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    The results of our survey on academic happiness among Niels Stensen Alumni are in. About 20-30% of respondents have reported problems maintaining their work-life balance, which implies that work affects home negatively, with (not surprisingly, perhaps) more women than men reporting difficulties. It is a good thing, then, that at our upcoming Niels Stensen Conference, prof. dr. Evangelia Demerouti will deliver an address about Maintaining Well-being and the Work-life Balance, and offer the opportunity to participate in a break-out session with her, dedicated to the crafting of personal demands and resources.

    As has been previously announced, at the Conference, scheduled for August 31, prof. dr. Hans Schilderman will present all results of the survey, and prof. dr. Carlo Beenakker will deliver his much anticipated keynote address Why We Wonder: Reasons Why Humans Do Science.


    NSF Leadership Meeting te Soeterbeeck

    NSF Leadership Meeting te Soeterbeeck

    Prior to the annual Niels Stensen Conference, also this year a Leadership Meeting takes place. This time in the former monastery Soeterbeeck, near Nijmegen.
    Niels Stensen Fellowship Conference 2023 - Science & Happiness

    Niels Stensen Fellowship Conference 2023 - Science & Happiness

    On Thursday, August 31, 2023, the Niels Stensen Conference took place at Antropia in Driebergen again. On this sunny day, we delved into the meaning of happiness in our scholarly work.
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